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In the second floor hallway of the C-wing of the Van Doorenveste (ZP11), where the creative technology studies are housed, lies a cluster of study-supportive rooms that were developed to help creative students with their projects. Whether they want to make something tangible using plastic, wood, or electronics, or want to create in a digital space, or they just want to play around with (new) technology, here is where they can find it.

This website is a repository of knowledge gathered by and for the students, to assist in helping them create. Learn how to design for and with new technology, see projects made by other students, watch along with one of the streams.

We are first and foremost an informative, educational facility. We help students with their issues, and our communication should reflect that. If you have a (legitimate) student project that you would like to create with the materials we have, feel free to come by and we will help you do it – free of charge!